Responsible gaming

The advent of the internet has revolutionized many industries. Many activities, which were the prerogative of traditional places, today have taken on a private dimension. With increasingly fast internet lines, low cost and high performance devices, even gaming is now within everyone's reach. In every place and every moment of the day without even the embarrassment of being seen in a casino or in a slot room, perhaps from the air a little equivocal.

Specifically gambling has acquired a user base that previously could hardly afford a trip to a traditional casino. But this expansion of users has also multiplied the number of cases of ludopathy. When the game comes out of its fun dimension and enters pathology then it can be devastating, both for the player and for the people in his family unit.

In this article we try to understand well what ludopathy is, how to recognize the problem and what to do to return the game to its main purpose-pure fun.

What is ludopathy

Gambling addiction is gambling addiction. The term ludopathy is almost accepted as synonymous with the official name "pathological gambling", often abbreviated as GAP, in medical and psychiatric texts. Ludopathy is classified as a mental disorder according to the American Psychiatric Association.

Several types of players have been identified with problems related to excessive play. Here are some of the profiles you meet most often:

  • the problem Player is a person who believes he can win, totally enraptured by the idea of the lucky hit or spin that will change his life. He always believes he is one step away from winning but keeps inserting tokens or leaving chips on the table. He feels that victory is a few steps away from him but he never manages to grab it;
  • the compulsive gambler is characterized by a kind of hunger for the game and related emotions. This type of player does not have the goal of winning but only of continuing to play. Find thrills in the noisy and colorful slot machines or the ticking of the roulette ball. His goal is to continue playing, if he could even endlessly, without worrying about the type of game and without following a strategy;
  • the indulgent player plays out of boredom or out of disinterest from everything else. The game helps not to make him think, immersing him in a kind of mental emptiness that sweeps away social problems or relationships with others. He does not notice how much he is playing because it could go on for hours, both with small and high stakes.

Recognize a person affected by this problem

No pathological gambler thinks he is affected by ludopathy. The famous phrase “I quit when I want to” is just an ineffective palliative and a good excuse to continue to behave in the same way. It takes inner strength to admit the problem. A starting point for identifying the problem is the recurring attitudes in pathological gamblers.

If by any chance you feel you have any of these clues then you may have ended up in the spiral of ludopathy:

  • sadness, anxiety or worries become excuses to play;
  • fixed thinking about the game at all times;
  • you tried to stop playing but you failed;
  • are you restless when you try to play less than usual;
  • you spend too much time and spend too much money in the game, more than you would like;
  • increase the amounts played to try to recover the Lost Ones;
  • ask for loans to cover your losses at the game;
  • the game is tearing apart your professional relationships creating problems at work;
  • you feel depressed and sometimes think about suicide.

Warning: These are only clues that could detect the problem but only a specialist can make a real diagnosis. The first step to solving a problem is to admit that there is, but often those who are obsessed with the game are not able to do so. In case of doubts or the presence of several indications reported, the best thing is to consult a therapist or psychiatrist before the situation finally degenerates.

The causes of ludopathy

Several factors can contribute to gambling addiction. The need for money, the thirst for strong emotions or the desire to raise one's social status by appearing as a successful gambler.

Getting rid of this problem is difficult. Not even a big and fortuitous win can calm the ludopatico. The sum won fortuitously will not be enough to cover the accumulated losses and will give new motivations to play thanks to the verification that large winnings are achievable.


Several studies have managed to outline the average profile of a person with the problem of ludopathy. The first factors to consider are therefore biological ones.

The problem is most pronounced among the male population between 20 and 50 years old. As for women, on the other hand, they could develop the problem at a higher age than men and it is generally associated with states of anxiety or bipolar disorders. Women fall into this deleterious spiral faster than men.


It is not uncommon for gambling to become an escape valve following traumatic psychological events, or situations of prolonged stress. A sudden dismissal, divorce or severe bereavement in the family are all causes that can push a person to seek recreation in gambling.

Another psychological factor that pushes towards playopathy is an extremely competitive character often accompanied by a tendency to work many hours a day even where there is no real economic need. Restlessness, hyperactivity or the tendency to get bored quickly are contributing factors that have often been recorded in these cases.


The social environment also plays a role in the onset of these problems. For example, low schooling contributes to the problem, although cases of people with a good cultural and educational base are often found. And also the lack of understanding of the game mechanisms, of the mathematical bases that allow you to actually understand how many are the chances of victory or the firm belief that you can predict a result with strategies.

There is also the fact that many are fascinated by misleading messages about the game and the chances of winning or by a type of communication that, perhaps in a not too veiled way, incites people at risk to play in a completely excessive way.


Ludopathy has a series of related problems that affect the player, or are prior to its onset so as to favor it. These can exacerbate an already compromised situation and the exit from this tunnel becomes particularly difficult.

The medical literature reports that most of the time, about 60% of cases, the obsessive player is also addicted to nicotine. Almost with the same percentage we find those who use substances and alcohol abuse is present 28% of the time. Several cases of mental disorders, where the most frequent are mood disorder, a state of high anxiety or a strong depressive regime. Ludopathy becomes in many cases not the only problem but one of the aspects of a complex clinical and psychological picture that requires the help of a specialist.

The negative effects of the game

The game should not be demonized in its entirety, what must be fought is the obsession in which some fall. This causes a series of additional problems that often isolate the subject making it even more difficult to help him.

Among the consequences of compulsive gambling the most common are:

  • financial problems where a player is no longer able to manage their money and does not realize that they are draining their salary or life savings by chasing a chimera. The obsession with the game therefore causes the subject to sink into financial problems of all kinds that can range from not being able to pay rent or other installments until he can no longer be able to support his family;
  • problems in private life since the game takes away the time that the ludopath could, or should, spend with their loved ones. Often the compulsive gambler is a parent or companion absent from family life. When he is present he becomes an unmanageable person who always thinks about the game and where to find more money to be able to try his luck again;
  • sociability, the one who is singled out in his social sphere as a compulsive gambler is gradually shunned and turned away from relatives and friends. There are many people who do not want to deal with ludopaths or simply feel embarrassed. The social network of the subject is diluted until it almost disappears leaving him even more alone with the problem from which he will hardly be able to come out;
  • health problems, ludopathy is accompanied in many cases by Other Pathology or abuse, these in turn can create physical problems. This increases the feeling of discomfort and malaise and absurdly could push the player even more towards the game with the illusion of finding the money for the care he needs.

Is gaming craze a common problem?

The Higher Institute of Health carried out in 2018 an interesting study on the situation of the number and type of players present in Canada (pathological and not). Players were considered all those who at least once in the previous 12 months since the beginning of the survey conducted have gambled at least once.

The dates that emerged are interesting:

  • total number of players 18 million and 400 thousand equal to 36.7% of the population;
  • they are mostly men (10 and a half million) compared to women (7 million and nine hundred thousand);
  • The age range is between 40 and 65 years.

Of this total number of players it turns out that:

  • an 8% share, about one and a half million, has problems arising from the game and does not control the time that passes and the money that it spends;
  • another one million and four hundred thousand are at moderate risk that is they occasionally present the typical traits of the problem profile;
  • an additional two million people are considered low-risk, but not entirely exempt, and pathological behavior occurs only on rare occasions;
  • the remaining part, on the other hand, has very clear the intent of the game as a fun pastime and manages to manage well the relationship with gambling or betting.

Among the various data to highlight is that many problem gamblers, or moderate risk, are convinced that the game can be easily won.

How to get out of the Game mania

If you are in this situation know that stopping the ludopathy can be extremely difficult and, once the pathological game is stopped, the daunting task is not to fall back on it again. The goal is achievable only by applying a total abstinence from the game, there are in fact many problem players who find it extremely difficult to even play just for fun.

If you have this problem go to a professional who can help you. If your situation becomes serious, consider seeking professional help as soon as possible. Help from a mental health specialist or addiction specialist could make all the difference. Professional treatment methods can teach you how to stay away from gambling. There are many professional therapists who can offer great help.

Think about the consequences and what the gambling craze has put you and those close to you through: for example the emotional pain created, the economic difficulties of your household and the lies told to mask gambling addiction. Try not to dwell on past behavior and use it only as motivation to avoid gambling in the future.

Take back an old Hobb mano Now is the right time to rekindle old passions. This increases self-esteem and helps in returning to a normal lifestyle. So it is important to find a healthier activity to replace negative addiction. This will keep you focused on the benefits of your new lifestyle rather than what you are missing out on.

How to help someone get out of this addiction?

Many players may not be aware that they have a problem and sometimes even deny the evidence. As a result, addressing the problem of their gambling can be a huge step forward.

If you know someone suffering from ludopathy and want to help them here are some useful tips on what to do.

  1. Use dialogue, ask the person to calmly talk about his problem. Avoid any conflict or aggressive expression, ask questions about his feelings, look for reasons to get the person to admit his addiction. Admitting the problem is often the hardest part.
  2. Offer your support: show the person that you are willing to support them in getting out of the tunnel. Remember to stay calm and use a lot of discretion and do your best to know what he is experiencing so that you can be there whenever he needs you.
  3. Avoid confrontation: do not accuse the person of having a problem. Instead, let him take responsibility for admitting it. If a speech becomes confrontational do not lose control of the situation and avoid countering. Choose your words carefully to avoid misunderstandings.
  4. Do not judge quickly, do not condemn or rush conclusions from the behavior that the person is exhibiting. Instead, be supportive and ask questions to show that you are willing to understand and help her.
  5. Look for support groups. Direct the person to a gambling support group or to a specialist or institution that can provide advice and help. Sometimes talking about a problem with a stranger is easier than talking to a friend or family member.
  6. Manage his money. If the person agrees, try to manage their money for a short period of time until they feel they can manage their expenses again. Alternatively, find an agreed weekly limit for the game to keep the habit in check. Avoid helping the person with loans or paying off debts as the person must learn to take responsibility.
  7. Armed with patience remember that every day must be dealt with individually and do not rush the person to overcome his gambling addiction. Putting the person under stress or pushing them unwillingly could have the opposite effect and could throw themselves back into the game precisely to overcome the induced stress. Let the person do things on their own time when they are ready to make a change.

Prevent suicide actions resulting from ludopathy

According to a study by the Swedish University of Lund, people with pathological gambling are subjects with a 15-fold higher risk of suicide.

From this it can be deduced that there are high chances that a ludopath thinks about the extreme gesture, once he realizes that he is crushed by gambling debts and all that follows. In Canada there are various ways to ask for and get help. The National Suicide Prevention Service's single number is 112.

Alternatives to the game

Game fever tends to be all-encompassing by isolating the subject from anything that game is not. Ludopaths lose interest in other activities that they previously conducted. Being able to rekindle the passion for other Hobb interessi

Responsible gaming
Oga often those who immerse themselves in the game are because they want to escape from negative thoughts by entering a state of quasi-tranches. Meditation and yoga can create a sort of similar situation, the individual enters a state of pleasant suspension from the outside world, similar to the way electric and noisy psychological isolation that causes a slot machine in action.
Perform activities to raise the level of adrenaline in many cases the excitement of the BET and the bet give that energy discharge that the player feeds on. This feeling can be recreated by practicing adventurous sports activities. A motocross course or climbing a wall (something that can also be done indoors in special gyms) or similar activities that raise the level of adrenaline can become substitutes for gambling.
The pleasure of unexpected discovery winning at the game is often the expectation of an unexpected win. The same thing you can achieve by exploring places you don't know. Traveling is therapeutic in many cases and you don't have to go too far to discover new places. Just a trip out of town or visit a monument or Museum of your city that you have never seen. Curiosity about something new well supplants the deleterious thoughts of compulsive gaming.
Volunteer in associations to help people or animals returning to feel useful to someone without being pointed out as compulsive gamblers has a beneficial effect on the psyche. The person again feels socially useful by managing to stay away from the game. This fights the social vacuum in which a ludopath often falls because he is avoided by friends or members of his family.
Spending time with your family if the home environment was not completely compromised by the craze of the game then returning to spend moments together helps a lot. The player realizes how many things he is missing while playing, has a recovery of self-confidence and does not feel socially isolated. He understands that he can count on someone and that he can make it out of the problem of pathological gambling.

Myths and truths about ludopathy

Even a theme of this kind is rich in stereotypes and commonplace. These cloud the perception of the problem for both the afflicted person and those around them who may not recognize the problem exactly.

Myth number 1 : the problem is not serious if the player can afford the losses he accumulates.

Fact̀ : it is not only an economic problem and even if a player can afford the losses he will see his social, professional relationships ruined until he experiences mental health problems.

Myth number 2 : Problem gambling is only the fault of the person who is irresponsible, immature or stupid.

Fact̀ : Pathological gambling could affect anyone regardless of cultural level, social background or intellectual abilities. Even those who are considered a lucid and rational person could fall into the trap of the game as a result of high stress situations or for other causes.

Myth number 3: the ludopath plays every day.

Fact̀ : this is not the case because there are cases of ludopaths who dedicate themselves to betting on sporting events, which are not there every day, or to weekly lotto draws. Even these individuals can be problematic by spending all their time looking for information and systems to win and continuously increasing the amount of money they bet.

Myth number 4 : you should help the ludopath by paying him debts.

Fact̀ : no, this system encourages the player to continue in the game as he knows that he has someone who will financially provide for the damage he has caused. In his heart the ludopath thinks he has found funds to squander in the game.

Myth number 5 : A person afflicted with pathological gambling bets and plays on anything.

Fact̀ : often players have their favorite way of playing. With the spread of slot machines in public establishments have spread the ludopaths who play obsessively, but the problem already existed before. There are those who compulsively bet on horse racing rather than lotto, totocalcio without forgetting also scratch cards. Each player fixes only one or a few other types of games.

Resources and help for players

There are several types of help and professionals specialized in the treatment of pathological gambling. Many associations are sponsored by bodies such as regions, provinces or municipalities. Other associations are the result of the actions of individual people who over the years have managed to create solutions to the problem. Here are some of the most active companies in Canada.

Il National Toll-Free Telephone it is an anonymous service promoted by the Higher Institute of Health. The number 800.558.822 is active from Monday to Friday from 10 to 16. The social health workers involved in the line can refer the person to local health facilities, professionals or support associations.

Responsible play is the service that treats gambling addictions created by the canadian Federation of operators departments and services of addictions ( FeDerSerD ). Play responsible makes available the toll-free number 800 151 000 which offers a free and anonymous service of support to ludopatici. The number is active from Monday to Thursday from 16 to 20.

Abel Group : the association founded by Don Ciotti is active on several fronts but the main one remains the treatment of addictions. This includes gambling and the problems arising from it. Gruppo Abele has been active for over 50 years and counts on trained volunteers who work in different sectors of intervention.

The canadian Society of intervention on Compulsive disorders ( S. I. I. Pa. C ) was founded in 1999 as the first canadian reality specialized on Compulsive Gambling. S. I. I. Pa. C today counts on a staff composed of professionals of different nature such as psychologists, psychiatrists, ndollarlogi, sociologists and lawyers to be able to face the problem in all its facets. It is based in Bolzano but operates in different parts of Canada.